"""Functions designed to study the hyperuniformity of a stationary point process using estimation(s) of its structure factor :py:class:`~structure_factor.structure_factor.StructureFactor`.
Hyperuniformity diagnostics:
- :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.multiscale_test`: Statistical test of hyperuniformity asymptomatically valid.
- :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.effective_hyperuniformity`: Test of effective hyperuniformity.
- :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.hyperuniformity_class`: Estimation of the possible class of hyperuniformity.
Additional functions:
- :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.bin_data`: Method for regularizing structure factor's estimation.
- :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.subwindows`: Method for generating a list of subwindows from a father window with the corresponding minimum allowed wavevectors (or wavenumbers).
.. note::
**Typical usage**
1. Test the hyperuniformity using the statistical test :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.multiscale_test` or the test of effective hyperuniformity :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.effective_hyperuniformity`.
2. If the hyperuniformity was approved, find the possible hyperuniformity class using :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.hyperuniformity_class`.
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.signal import find_peaks
import statistics as stat
from structure_factor.utils import _bin_statistics, _sort_vectors
from structure_factor.multiscale_estimators import (
[docs]def multiscale_test(
r"""Compute the sample mean :math:`\bar{Z}` and the corresponding standard deviation :math:`\bar{\sigma}/\sqrt{N}` of the coupled sum estimator :math:`Z` of a point process using a list of :math:`N` PointPatterns and :math:`N` realizations from the random variable :math:`M`.
The test rejects the hyperuniformity hypothesis if the confidence interval :math:`CI[\mathbb{E}[Z]]= [\bar{Z} - z \bar{\sigma}/\sqrt{N}, \bar{Z} + z \bar{\sigma}/\sqrt{N}]`, doesn't contain zero, and vice-versa.
(See the multiscale hyperuniformity test in :cite:`HGBLR:22`).
point_pattern_list (list): List of :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern` (s). Each element of the list is an encapsulation of a realization of a point process, the observation window, and (optionally) the intensity of the point process. All :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern` (s) should have the same window and intensity.
estimator (str): Choice of structure factor's estimator. The parameters of the chosen estimator must be added as keyword arguments. The available estimators are "scattering_intensity", "tapered_estimator", "bartlett_isotropic_estimator", and "quadrature_estimator_isotropic". See :py:class:`~structure_factor.structure_factor.StructureFactor`.
subwindows_list (list): List of increasing cubic or ball-shaped :py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.AbstractSpatialWindow`, typically, obtained using :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.subwindows`. The shape of the windows depends on the choice of the ``estimator``. Each element of ``point_pattern_list`` will be restricted to these windows to compute :math:`Z`.
k_list (list): List of wavevectors (or wavenumbers) where the ``estimator`` is to be evaluated. Each element is associated with an element of ``subwindows_list``. Typically, obtained using :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.subwindows`.
mean_poisson (int): Parameter of the Poisson r.v. :math:`M` used to compute :math:`Z`. To use a different distribution of the r.v. :math:`M`, set ``mean_poisson=None`` and specify ``m_list`` and ``proba_list`` corresponding to :math:`M`.
m_list (list, optional): List of positive integer realizations of the r.v. :math:`M`, used when ``mean_poisson=None``. Each element of ``m_list`` is associated with an element of ``point_pattern_list`` to compute a realization of :math:`Z`. Defaults to None.
proba_list (list, optional): List of :math:`\mathbb{P}(M \geq j)` used with ``m_list`` when ``mean_poisson=None``. Should contains at least ``max(m_list)`` elements. Defaults to None.
verbose (bool, optional): If "True" and ``mean_poisson`` is not None, print the re-sampled values of :math:`M`. Defaults to False.
Keyword Args:
kwargs (dict): Parameters of the chosen ``estimator`` of the structure factor. See :py:class:`~structure_factor.structure_factor.StructureFactor`.
dict(float, float, list, list):
- "mean_Z": The sample mean of :math:`Z`.
- "std_mean_Z": The sample standard deviation of :math:`Z` divided by the square root of the number of samples.
- "Z": The obtained values of :math:`Z`.
- "M": The used values of :math:`M`.
.. plot:: code/hyperuniformity/multiscale_test.py
:include-source: True
.. proof:definition::
Let :math:`\mathcal{X} \in \mathbb{R}^d` be a stationary point process of which we consider an increasing sequence of sets :math:`(\mathcal{X} \cap W_m)_{m \geq 1}`, with :math:`(W_m)_m` centered box (or ball)-shaped windows s.t. :math:`W_s \subset W_r` for all :math:`0< s<r`, and :math:`W_{\infty} = \mathbb{R}^d`.
We define the sequence of r.v. :math:`Y_m = 1\wedge \widehat{S}_m(\mathbf{k}_m^{\text{min}})`, where :math:`\widehat{S}_m` is one of the positive, asymptotically unbiased estimators of the structure factor of :math:`\mathcal{X}` applied on the observation :math:`\mathcal{X} \cap W_m`, and :math:`\mathbf{k}_m^{\text{min}}` is the minimum allowed wavevector associated with :math:`W_m`.
Under some assumptions (:cite:`HGBLR:22`, Section 4) :math:`\mathcal{X}` is hyperuniform iff :math:`\mathbb{E}[Z]=0`.
Where :math:`Z` is the coupled sum estimator of :cite:`RhGl15` defined by,
.. math::
Z = \sum_{j=1}^{M} \frac{Y_j - Y_{j-1}}{\mathbb{P}(M\geq j)},
with :math:`M` an :math:`\mathbb{N}`-valued random variable such that :math:`\mathbb{P}(M \geq j)>0` for all :math:`j`, and :math:`Y_{0}=0`.
.. important::
- If ``mean_poisson`` is not None, there is a step of accepting/rejecting while sampling from the r.v. :math:`M`. If the biggest subwindow associated with :math:`M'` (obtained value of :math:`M`) is larger than the father window, then :math:`M'` is rejected, and we resample from :math:`M`. Typically, ``mean_poisson`` should be chosen s.t. the probability that the biggest subwindow is larger than the father window is small enough.
- The test is asymptotically valid, so it might fail in diagnosing hyperuniformity if the number of samples used to compute :math:`\bar{Z}` or :math:`\lambda` is too small.
.. note::
**Typical usage**
- The function :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.subwindows` can be used to generate from a father window a list of subwindows and the associated allowed wavevectors/wavenumbers.
.. seealso::
- :py:meth:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern`
- :py:class:`~structure_factor.structure_factor.StructureFactor`
- :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.subwindows`
- :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.hyperuniformity_class`
nb_sample = len(point_pattern_list)
if m_list is None:
m_thresh = m_threshold(
window_min=subwindows_list[0], window_max=subwindows_list[-1]
m_list = [
_poisson_rv(mean_poisson, threshold=m_thresh, verbose=verbose)
for _ in range(nb_sample)
z_list = [
for (p, m) in zip(point_pattern_list, m_list)
mean_z = stat.mean(z_list)
std_mean_z = stat.stdev(z_list) / np.sqrt(nb_sample)
summary = {"mean_Z": mean_z, "std_mean_Z": std_mean_z, "Z": z_list, "M": m_list}
return summary
[docs]def bin_data(k_norm, sf, **params):
"""Split ``k_norm`` into sub-intervals (or bins) and evaluate, over each sub-interval, the mean and the standard deviation of the corresponding values in ``sf``.
k_norm (numpy.ndarray): Vector of wavenumbers (i.e. norms of wavevectors).
sf (numpy.ndarray): Evaluations of the structure factor, of the given point process, at ``k_norm``.
Keyword Args:
params (dict): Keyword arguments (except "x", "values" and "statistic") of `scipy.stats.binned_statistic <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.binned_statistic.html>`_.
tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray):
- ``k_norm``: Centers of the bins.
- ``sf``: Means of the structure factor over the bins.
- ``std_sf``: Standard deviations of the structure factor over the bins.
.. plot:: code/hyperuniformity/bin_data.py
:include-source: True
.. note::
**Typical usage**
- Regularize the results of :py:class:`~structure_factor.structure_factor.StructureFactor` to be used in :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.effective_hyperuniformity` and :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.hyperuniformity_class`.
.. seealso::
- :py:class:`~structure_factor.structure_factor.StructureFactor`
k_norm, sf, _ = _sort_vectors(k_norm, sf)
return _bin_statistics(k_norm, sf, **params)
[docs]def subwindows(
window, subwindows_type="BoxWindow", param_0=None, param_max=None, params=None
"""Create a list of cubic (or ball)-shaped subwindows of a father window, with the associated minimum allowed wavevectors (or wavenumbers).
window (:py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.AbstractSpatialWindow`): Father window.
subwindows_type (str, optional): Type of the subwindows to be created. The available types are "BoxWindow" and "BallWindow". The former for cubic and the latter for ball-shaped subwindows. Defaults to "BoxWindow".
param_0 (float, optional): Parameter (lengthside/radius) of the first subwindow to be created. If not None, an increasing sequence of subwindows with parameters of unit increments is created. The biggest subwindow has parameter ``param_max`` if it's not None, else, the maximum possible parameter. Defaults to None.
param_max (float, optional): Maximum subwindow parameter (lengthside/radius). Used when ``param_0`` is not None. Defaults to None.
params (list, optional): List of parameters (lengthside/radius) of the output subwindows. For a list of parameters of unit increments, ``param_0`` and ``param_max`` can be used instead. Defaults to None.
(list, list):
- subwindows: Obtained subwindows.
- k: Minimum allowed wavevectors of :py:func:`~structure_factor.tapered_estimators.allowed_k_scattering_intensity` or wavenumbers of :py:func:`~structure_factor.tapered_estimators_isotropic.allowed_k_norm_bartlett_isotropic` associated with the subwindow list. The former is for cubic and the latter for ball-shaped subwindows.
.. plot:: code/hyperuniformity/subwindows.py
:include-source: True
.. note::
**Typical usage**
- Create the list of subwindows with the associated k to be used in :py:func:`~structure_factor.hyperuniformity.multiscale_test`.
.. seealso::
- :py:func:`~structure_factor.tapered_estimators.allowed_k_scattering_intensity`
- :py:func:`~structure_factor.tapered_estimators_isotropic.allowed_k_norm_bartlett_isotropic`
return subwindows_list(window, subwindows_type, param_0, param_max, params)
# todo doc
# todo clarify x_max
def _fit(x, y, std, function, x_max, **kwargs):
"""Fit ``function`` using `scipy.scipy.optimize.curve_fit <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.curve_fit.html>`_.
function (callable): Function to fit.
x_max (float): Maximum value above.
Keyword Args:
kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments (except ``"sigma"``) of `scipy.scipy.optimize.curve_fit <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.curve_fit.html>`_ parameters.
tuple: See output of `scipy.scipy.optimize.curve_fit <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.curve_fit.html>`_.
i = len(x)
if x_max is not None:
# index of the closest value to x_max in k_norm
i = np.argmin(np.abs(x - x_max))
xdata = x[:i]
ydata = y[:i]
if std is not None and (std != 0).all():
sigma = std[:i]
kwargs["sigma"] = sigma
return curve_fit(f=function, xdata=xdata, ydata=ydata, **kwargs)