Source code for structure_factor.point_processes

"""Collection of point processes at related properties, e.g., intensity, pair correlation function, structure factor.

- :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_processes.HomogeneousPoissonPointProcess`: The homogeneous Poisson point process.

- :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_processes.ThomasPointProcess`: The Thomas point process.

- :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_processes.GinibrePointProcess`: The Ginibre point process.

- :py:func:`~structure_factor.point_processes.mutual_nearest_neighbor_matching`: The matching process of :cite:`KlaLasYog20`.

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

from structure_factor.point_pattern import PointPattern
from structure_factor.spatial_windows import (
from structure_factor.utils import get_random_number_generator

[docs]class HomogeneousPoissonPointProcess(object): """`Homogeneous Poisson point process <>`_. .. todo:: list attributes """
[docs] def __init__(self, intensity=1.0): """Create a `homogeneous Poisson point process <>`_ with prescribed (positive) ``intensity`` parameter. Args: intensity (float, optional): intensity of the homogeneous Poisson point process. Defaults to 1.0. """ if not intensity > 0: raise TypeError("intensity argument must be 2positive") self._intensity = float(intensity)
@property def intensity(self): r"""Return the intensity :math:`\rho_1(r) = \rho` of the homogeneous Poisson point process. Returns: float: Constant intensity. """ return self._intensity
[docs] @staticmethod def pair_correlation_function(r=None): r"""Evaluate the pair correlation function :math:`g(r)=1` of the homogeneous Poisson process. Args: r (numpy.ndarray): Array of size :math:`n \times d`, where :math:`d` is the ambient dimension and :math:`n` the number of points where the pair correlation function is evaluated. Since the homogeneous Poisson process is isotropic, a vector of size :math:`n` corresponding to the norm of the :math:`n` points can also be passed. Defaults to None. Returns: float or numpy.ndarray: ``1.0`` if ``r=None``, otherwise a vector of size :math:`n` with entries equal to ``1.0``. """ val = 1.0 if r is None: return val assert r.ndim <= 2 return np.full((r.shape[0], 1), val)
[docs] @staticmethod def structure_factor(k=None): r"""Evaluate the structure factor :math:`S(k)=1` of the homogeneous Poisson process. Args: k (numpy.ndarray): Array of size :math:`n \times d`, where :math:`d` is the ambient dimension and :math:`n` the number of points where the structure factor is evaluated. Since the homogeneous Poisson process is isotropic, a vector of size :math:`n` corresponding to the norm of the :math:`n` points can also be passed. Defaults to None. Returns: float or numpy.ndarray: ``1.0`` if ``k=None``, otherwise a vector of size :math:`n` with entries equal to ``1.0``. """ val = 1.0 if k is None: return val assert k.ndim <= 2 return np.full(k.shape[0], val)
[docs] def generate_sample(self, window, seed=None): r"""Generate an exact sample of the point process restricted to the :math:`d` dimensional `window`. Args: window (:py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.AbstractSpatialWindow`): :math:`d`-dimensional observation window where the points will be generated. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array of size :math:`n \times d`, where :math:`n` is the number of points forming the sample. Example: .. plot:: code/point_processes/ :include-source: True :caption: :alt: code/point_processes/ :align: center .. seealso:: - :py:mod:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows` """ if not isinstance(window, AbstractSpatialWindow): raise TypeError("window argument must be an AbstractSpatialWindow") rng = get_random_number_generator(seed) rho = self.intensity nb_points = rng.poisson(rho * window.volume) return window.rand(nb_points, seed=rng)
[docs] def generate_point_pattern(self, window, seed=None): """Generate a :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern` of the point process. Args: window (:py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.AbstractSpatialWindow`): Observation window. seed (int, optional): Seed to initialize the points generator. Defaults to None. Returns: :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern`:Object of type :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern` containing a realization of the point process, the observation window, and (optionally) the intensity of the point process (see :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern`). Example: .. plot:: code/point_processes/ :include-source: True :caption: :alt: code/point_processes/ :align: center .. seealso:: - :py:mod:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows` - :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern` """ points = self.generate_sample(window=window, seed=seed) point_pattern = PointPattern( points=points, window=window, intensity=self.intensity ) return point_pattern
[docs]class ThomasPointProcess: """Homogeneous Thomas point process with Gaussian clusters. .. todo:: list attributes """
[docs] def __init__(self, kappa, mu, sigma): """Create a homogeneous Thomas point process. Args: kappa (float): Mean number of clusters per unit volume. Intensity of the parent Poisson point process. mu (float): Mean number of points per clusters. Mean of the child Gaussian distribution. sigma (float): Standard deviation of the child Gaussian distribution. """ self.kappa = kappa = mu self.sigma = sigma self._intensity = float(kappa * mu)
@property def intensity(self): r"""Return the intensity :math:`\rho_1(r) = \kappa \mu` of the Thomas point process. Returns: float: Constant intensity. """ return self._intensity
[docs] def pair_correlation_function(self, r_norm, d=2): r"""Evaluate the pair correlation function of the Thomas point process. .. math:: g(r) = 1 + \kappa (4 \pi \sigma^2)^{d / 2} \exp(-\frac{1}{4\sigma^2} \|r\|^2) Args: r_norm (numpy.ndarray): Vector of size :math:`n` corresponding to the norm of the :math:`n` points where the pair correlation function is evaluated. d (int, optional): Ambient dimension. Defaults to 2. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Vector of size :math:`n` containing the evaluation of the pair correlation function. """ k = self.kappa s2 = self.sigma ** 2 pcf = np.exp(r_norm ** 2 / (-4 * s2)) pcf /= k * (4 * np.pi * s2) ** (d / 2) pcf += 1.0 return pcf
[docs] def structure_factor(self, k_norm): r"""Evaluate the structure factor of the Thomas point process. .. math:: S(k) = 1 + \mu \exp(- \sigma^2 * \|k\|^2). Args: k_norm (numpy.ndarray): Vector of size :math:`n` corresponding to the norm of the :math:`n` points where the structure factor is evaluated. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Vector of size :math:`n` containing the evaluation of the structure factor. """ mu = s2 = self.sigma ** 2 return 1.0 + mu * np.exp(-s2 * k_norm ** 2)
[docs] def generate_sample(self, window, seed=None): r"""Generate an exact sample from the corresponding :py:class:`~structure_factor.thomas_process.ThomasPointProcess` restricted to the :math:`d` dimensional `window`. Args: window (:py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.AbstractSpatialWindow`): :math:`d`-dimensional observation window where the points will be generated. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array of size :math:`n \times d`, where :math:`n` is the number of points forming the sample. Example: .. plot:: code/point_processes/ :include-source: True :caption: :alt: code/point_processes/ :align: center .. seealso:: - :py:mod:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows` """ if not isinstance(window, AbstractSpatialWindow): raise TypeError("window argument must be an AbstractSpatialWindow") rng = get_random_number_generator(seed) tol = 6 * self.sigma if isinstance(window, BoxWindow): extended_bounds = window.bounds + np.array([-tol, +tol]) extended_window = BoxWindow(extended_bounds) elif isinstance(window, BallWindow): exented_radius = window.radius + tol extended_window = BallWindow(, exented_radius) pp = HomogeneousPoissonPointProcess(self.kappa) centers = pp.generate_sample(extended_window, seed=rng) n_per_cluster = np.random.poisson(, size=len(centers)) d = window.dimension s = self.sigma points = np.vstack( [rng.normal(c, s, (n, d)) for (c, n) in zip(centers, n_per_cluster)] ) mask = window.indicator_function(points) return points[mask]
[docs] def generate_point_pattern(self, window, seed=None): """Generate a :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern` of the point process. Args: window (:py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.AbstractSpatialWindow`): Observation window. seed (int, optional): Seed to initialize the points generator. Defaults to None. Returns: :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern`:Object of type :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern` containing a realization of the point process, the observation window, and (optionally) the intensity of the point process (see :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern`). Example: .. plot:: code/point_processes/ :include-source: True :caption: :alt: code/point_processes/ :align: center .. seealso:: - :py:mod:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows` - :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern` """ points = self.generate_sample(window=window, seed=seed) point_pattern = PointPattern( points=points, window=window, intensity=self.intensity ) return point_pattern
[docs]class GinibrePointProcess(object): """Ginibre point process corresponds to the complex eigenvalues of a standard complex Gaussian matrix. .. todo:: list attributes """
[docs] def __init__(self): self._intensity = 1.0 / np.pi
@property def intensity(self): r"""Return the intensity :math:`\rho_1(r) = \frac{1}{\pi}` of the Ginibre point process. Returns: float: Constant intensity. """ return self._intensity
[docs] @staticmethod def pair_correlation_function(r_norm): r"""Evaluate the pair correlation function of the Ginibre point process. .. math:: g(r) = 1 - \exp(- \|r\|^2) Args: r_norm (numpy.ndarray): Vector of size :math:`n` corresponding to the norm of the :math:`n` points where the pair correlation function is evaluated. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Vector of size :math:`n` containing the evaluation of the pair correlation function. """ return 1.0 - np.exp(-(r_norm ** 2))
[docs] @staticmethod def structure_factor(k_norm): r"""Evaluate the structure factor of the Ginibre point process. .. math:: S(k) = 1 - \exp(- \frac{1}{4} \|k\|^2). Args: k_norm (numpy.ndarray): Vector of size :math:`n` corresponding to the norm of the :math:`n` points where the structure factor is evaluated. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Vector of size :math:`n` containing the evaluation of the structure factor. """ return 1.0 - np.exp(-0.25 * (k_norm ** 2))
[docs] def generate_sample(self, window, n=None, seed=None): r"""Generate a sample of the Ginibre point process made of ``n`` points, inside the observation ``window``. This is done by computing the eigenvalues of a random matrix :math:`G` of size :math:`n \times n`, filled with i.i.d. standard complex Gaussian variables, i.e., .. math:: G_{ij} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} (X_{ij} + \mathbf{i} Y_{ij}). Args: window (:py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.BallWindow`): :math:`2`-dimensional centered ball window where the points will be generated. n (int, optional): Number of points of the output sample. If ``n`` is None (default), it is set to the integer part of :math:`\rho |W| = \frac{1}{\pi} |W|`. Defaults to None. Returns: numpy.ndarray: Array of size :math:`n \times 2`, representing the :math:`n` points forming the sample. Example: .. plot:: code/point_processes/ :include-source: True :caption: :alt: code/point_processes/ :align: center .. seealso:: - :py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.BallWindow` """ if not isinstance(window, BallWindow): raise ValueError("The window should be a 2-d centered BallWindow.") if window.dimension != 2: raise ValueError("The window should be a 2-d window.") if not np.all(np.equal(, 0.0)): raise ValueError("The window should be a centered window.") if n is None: n = int(window.volume * self.intensity) assert isinstance(n, int) rng = get_random_number_generator(seed) A = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=complex) A.real = rng.standard_normal((n, n)) A.imag = rng.standard_normal((n, n)) eigvals = la.eigvals(A) / np.sqrt(2.0) points = np.vstack((eigvals.real, eigvals.imag)).T mask = window.indicator_function(points) return points[mask]
[docs] def generate_point_pattern(self, window, n=None, seed=None): r"""Generate a :math:`2`-dimensional :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern` of the point process, with a centered :py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.BallWindow`. Args: window (:py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.AbstractSpatialWindow`): :math:`2`-dimensional observation centered :py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.BallWindow`. n (int, optional): Number of points of the output sample. If ``n`` is None (default), it is set to the integer part of :math:`\rho |W| = \frac{1}{\pi} |W|`. Defaults to None. seed (int, optional): Seed to initialize the points generator. Defaults to None. Returns: :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern`:Object of type :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern` containing a realization of the point process, the observation window, and (optionally) the intensity of the point process (see :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern`). Example: .. plot:: code/point_processes/ :include-source: True :caption: :alt: code/point_processes/ :align: center .. seealso:: - :py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.BallWindow` - :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern` """ points = self.generate_sample(window=window, n=n, seed=seed) point_pattern = PointPattern( points=points, window=window, intensity=self.intensity ) return point_pattern
[docs]def mutual_nearest_neighbor_matching(X, Y, **KDTree_params): r"""Match the set of points ``X`` with a subset of points from ``Y`` based on mutual nearest neighbor matching :cite:`KlaLasYog20`. It is assumed that :math:`|X| \leq |Y|` and that each point in ``X``, resp. ``Y``, can have only one nearest neighbor in ``Y``, resp. ``X``. The matching routine involves successive 1-nearest neighbor sweeps performed by `scipy.spatial.KDTree <>`_ with the euclidean distance. Args: X (numpy.ndarray): Array of size (m, d) collecting points to be matched with a subset of points from ``Y``. Y (numpy.ndarray): Array of size (n, d) of points satisfying :math:`m \leq n`. Keyword Args: see (documentation): keyword arguments of `scipy.spatial.KDTree <>`_. .. note:: The ``boxsize`` keyword argument can be used **only** when points belong to a box :math:`\prod_{i=1}^{d} [0, L_i)` (upper boundary excluded). It allows to consider periodic boundaries, i.e., the toroidal distance is used for searching for nearest neighbors. Returns: numpy.ndarray: vector of indices ``matches`` such that ``X[i]`` is matched to ``Y[matches[i]]``. Example: .. plot:: code/point_processes/ :include-source: True :caption: KLY matching :alt: code/point_processes/ :align: center """ if not (X.ndim == Y.ndim == 2): raise ValueError( "X and Y must be 2d numpy arrays with respective size (m, d) and (n, d), where d is the ambient dimension." ) if X.shape[0] > Y.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "The sets of points represented by X and Y must satisfy |X| <= |Y|." ) m, n = X.shape[0], Y.shape[0] idx_X_unmatched = np.arange(m, dtype=int) idx_Y_unmatched = np.arange(n, dtype=int) matches = np.zeros(m, dtype=int) for _ in range(m): # at most |X| nearest neighbor sweeps are performed X_ = X[idx_X_unmatched] Y_ = Y[idx_Y_unmatched] knn = KDTree(Y_, **KDTree_params) X_to_Y = knn.query(X_, k=1, p=2)[1] # p=2, i.e., euclidean distance knn = KDTree(X_, **KDTree_params) Y_to_X = knn.query(Y_, k=1, p=2)[1] identity = range(len(idx_X_unmatched)) mask_X = np.equal(Y_to_X[X_to_Y], identity) matches[idx_X_unmatched[mask_X]] = idx_Y_unmatched[X_to_Y[mask_X]] if np.all(mask_X): # all points from X got matched break idx_X_unmatched = idx_X_unmatched[~mask_X] mask_Y = np.full(len(idx_Y_unmatched), True, dtype=bool) mask_Y[X_to_Y[mask_X]] = False idx_Y_unmatched = idx_Y_unmatched[mask_Y] return matches