"""Collection of classes representing observation windows (box, ball, etc).
- :py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.BallWindow`: Ball window object.
- :py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.BoxWindow`: Box window object.
.. note::
**Typical usage**
- :py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern` has a :py:attr:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern.window` argument/attribute.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Rectangle
from rpy2 import robjects
from spatstat_interface.interface import SpatstatInterface
from structure_factor.utils import get_random_number_generator
[docs]class AbstractSpatialWindow(metaclass=ABCMeta):
r"""Encapsulate the notion of spatial window in :math:`\mathbb{R}^d`."""
def dimension(self):
"""Return the ambient dimension of the corresponding window."""
def volume(self):
"""Compute the volume of the corresponding window."""
def __contains__(self, point):
r"""Return True if :math:`d` dimensional vector ``point`` falls inside the corresponding :math:`d` dimensional window, otherwise return False.
point (numpy.ndarray): :math:`d` dimensional vector to test.
[docs] def indicator_function(self, points):
r"""Return the indicator function of the corresponding window evaluated at each of the :math:`n` ``points``.
points (numpy.ndarray): Vector of size :math:`d` or array of size :math:`n \times d` containing the point(s) to be tested.
bool or numpy.ndarray:
- If :math:`n=1`, bool.
- If :math:`n>1`, :math:`n` dimensional boolean array.
if points.ndim == 1 and points.size == self.dimension:
return points in self
return np.apply_along_axis(self.__contains__, axis=1, arr=points)
[docs] @abstractmethod
def rand(self, n=1, seed=None):
r"""Generate `n` points uniformly at random in the corresponding spatial window.
n (int, optional): Number of points. Defaults to 1.
seed (int or np.random.Generator, optional): Defaults to None.
- If :math:`n=1`, :math:`d` dimensional vector.
- If :math:`n>1`, :math:`n \times d` array containing the points.
[docs]class BallWindow(AbstractSpatialWindow):
r"""Create a :math:`d` dimensional ball window :math:`B(c, r)`, where :math:`c \in \mathbb{R}^d` and :math:`r>0`.
.. todo::
list attributes
.. plot:: code/spatial_window/ball_window.py
:include-source: True
:align: center
.. seealso::
- :py:mod:`~structure_factor.point_pattern`
- :py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.BoxWindow`
[docs] def __init__(self, center, radius=1.0):
"""Initialize a :math:`d` dimensional ball window :math:`B(c, r)` from the prescribed ``center`` and ``radius``.
center (numpy.ndarray): Center :math:`c` of the ball.
radius (float, optional): Radius :math:`r > 0` of the ball. Defaults to 1.0.
center = np.asarray(center)
if not center.ndim == 1:
raise ValueError("center must be 1D numpy.ndarray")
if not radius > 0:
raise ValueError("radius must be positive")
self.center = center
self.radius = float(radius)
def dimension(self):
return len(self.center)
def surface(self):
d, r = self.dimension, self.radius
if d == 1:
return 0.0
if d == 2:
return 2 * np.pi * r
if d == 3:
return 4 * np.pi * r ** 2
return 2 * np.pi ** (d / 2) * r ** (d - 1) / sp.special.gamma(d / 2)
def volume(self):
d, r = self.dimension, self.radius
if d == 1:
return 2 * r
if d == 2:
return np.pi * r ** 2
if d == 3:
return 4 / 3 * np.pi * r ** 3
return np.pi ** (d / 2) * r ** d / sp.special.gamma(d / 2 + 1)
def __contains__(self, point):
point = np.asarray(point)
assert point.ndim == 1 and point.size == self.dimension
return self.indicator_function(point)
[docs] def indicator_function(self, points):
return np.linalg.norm(points - self.center, axis=-1) <= self.radius
[docs] def rand(self, n=1, seed=None):
# Method of dropped coordinates
# Efficiently sampling vectors and coordinates from the n-sphere and n-ball
# Voelker, Aaron and Gosmann, Jan and Stewart, Terrence
# doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15829.01767/1
rng = get_random_number_generator(seed)
d = self.dimension
points = rng.standard_normal(size=(n, d + 2))
points /= np.linalg.norm(points, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
idx = 0 if n == 1 else slice(0, n)
return self.center + self.radius * points[idx, :d]
[docs] def to_spatstat_owin(self, **params):
"""Convert the object to a ``spatstat.geom.disc`` R object of type ``disc``, which is a subtype of ``owin``.
params (dict): Optional keyword arguments passed to ``spatstat.geom.disc``.
spatstat.geom.disc: R object.
.. seealso::
- `https://rdocumentation.org/packages/spatstat.geom/versions/2.2-0/topics/disc <https://rdocumentation.org/packages/spatstat.geom/versions/2.2-0/topics/disc>`_
spatstat = SpatstatInterface(update=False)
spatstat.import_package("geom", update=False)
r = self.radius
c = robjects.vectors.FloatVector(self.center)
return spatstat.geom.disc(radius=r, centre=c, **params)
[docs] def plot(self, axis=None, **kwargs):
"""Display the window on matplotlib `axis`.
axis (plt.Axes, optional): Support axis of the plot. Defaults to None.
Keyword Args:
kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments of ``matplotlib.patches.Circle`` with default ``fill=False``.
plt.Axes: Plot axis.
if self.dimension != 2:
raise NotImplementedError("Method implemented only for 2D window")
if axis is None:
fig, axis = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))
kwargs.setdefault("fill", False)
circle = Circle(self.center, self.radius, **kwargs)
return axis
[docs]class UnitBallWindow(BallWindow):
r"""Create a d-dimensional unit ball window :math:`B(c, r=1)`, where :math:`c \in \mathbb{R}^d`.
.. note::
``UnitBallWindow(center) = BallWindow(center, radius=1.0)``
[docs] def __init__(self, center):
"""Initialize a :math:`d` dimensional unit ball window :math:`B(c, r=1)` from the prescribed ``center``.
center (numpy.ndarray, optional): Center :math:`c` of the ball.
super().__init__(center, radius=1.0)
[docs]class BoxWindow(AbstractSpatialWindow):
r"""Create a :math:`d` dimensional box window :math:`\prod_{i=1}^{d} [a_i, b_i]`.
.. todo::
list attributes
.. plot:: code/spatial_window/box_window.py
:include-source: True
:align: center
.. seealso::
- :py:mod:`~structure_factor.point_pattern`
- :py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.BoxWindow`
[docs] def __init__(self, bounds):
r"""Initialize :math:`d` dimensional unit box window the prescibed ``bounds[i, :]`` :math:`=[a_i, b_i]`.
bounds (numpy.ndarray): :math:`d \times 2` array describing the bounds of the box.
bounds = np.atleast_2d(bounds)
if bounds.ndim != 2 or bounds.shape[1] != 2:
raise ValueError("bounds must be d x 2 numpy.ndarray")
if np.any(np.diff(bounds, axis=-1) <= 0):
raise ValueError("all bounds [a_i, b_i] must satisfy a_i < b_i")
# use transpose to facilitate operations (unpacking, diff, rand, etc)
self._bounds = np.transpose(bounds)
def bounds(self):
r"""Return the bounds decribing the BoxWindow.
``bounds[i, :]`` :math:`=[a_i, b_i]`.
return np.transpose(self._bounds)
def dimension(self):
return self._bounds.shape[1]
def volume(self):
return np.prod(np.diff(self._bounds, axis=0))
def __contains__(self, point):
point = np.asarray(point)
assert point.ndim == 1 and point.size == self.dimension
return self.indicator_function(point)
[docs] def indicator_function(self, points):
a, b = self._bounds
return np.logical_and(
np.all(a <= points, axis=-1), np.all(points <= b, axis=-1)
[docs] def rand(self, n=1, seed=None):
rng = get_random_number_generator(seed)
a, b = self._bounds
d = self.dimension
return rng.uniform(a, b, size=(d,) if n == 1 else (n, d))
[docs] def to_spatstat_owin(self, **params):
"""Convert the object to a ``spatstat.geom.owin`` R object of type ``owin``.
params (dict): Optional keyword arguments passed to ``spatstat.geom.owin``.
spatstat.geom.owin: R object.
.. seealso::
- `https://rdocumentation.org/packages/spatstat.geom/versions/2.2-0/topics/owin <https://rdocumentation.org/packages/spatstat.geom/versions/2.2-0/topics/owin>`_
if self.dimension != 2:
raise NotImplementedError("spatstat only handles 2D windows")
spatstat = SpatstatInterface(update=False)
spatstat.import_package("geom", update=False)
a, b = self.bounds
x = robjects.vectors.FloatVector(a)
y = robjects.vectors.FloatVector(b)
return spatstat.geom.owin(xrange=x, yrange=y, **params)
[docs] def plot(self, axis=None, **kwargs):
"""Display the window on matplotlib `axis`.
axis (plt.Axes, optional): Support axis of the plot. Defaults to None.
Keyword Args:
kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments of ``matplotlib.patches.Rectangle`` with default ``fill=False``.
plt.Axes: Plot axis.
if self.dimension != 2:
raise NotImplementedError("Method implemented only for 2D window")
if axis is None:
fig, axis = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))
kwargs.setdefault("fill", False)
xy = self._bounds[0]
width, height = np.diff(self._bounds, axis=0).ravel()
rectangle = Rectangle(xy, width, height, **kwargs)
return axis
[docs]class UnitBoxWindow(BoxWindow):
r"""Create a :math:`d` dimensional unit box window :math:`\prod_{i=1}^{d} [c_i - \frac{1}{2}, c_i + \frac{1}{2}]` where :math:`c \in \mathbb{R}^d`."""
[docs] def __init__(self, center):
r"""Initialize a :math:`d` dimensional unit box window :math:`\prod_{i=1}^{d} [c_i - \frac{1}{2}, c_i + \frac{1}{2}]`, i.e., a box window with length equal to 1 and prescribed ``center``, such that :math:`c_i=` ``center[i]``.
center (numpy.ndarray): Center :math:`c` of the box.
if np.ndim(center) != 1:
raise ValueError("center must be 1D array.")
bounds = np.add.outer(center, [-0.5, 0.5])
[docs]def check_cubic_window(window):
"""Check whether ``window`` is cubic.
window (:py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.BoxWindow`): Window to be checked.
.. literalinclude:: code/spatial_window/check_cubic_window.py
:language: python
if not isinstance(window, BoxWindow):
raise TypeError("window must be an instance of BoxWindow.")
lengths = np.diff(window.bounds, axis=1)
if np.any(lengths != lengths[0]):
raise ValueError("window should be a 'cubic' BoxWindow.")
return None
[docs]def check_centered_window(window):
"""Check whether ``window`` is centered at the origin.
window (:py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.AbstractSpatialWindow`): Window to be checked.
.. literalinclude:: code/spatial_window/check_centered_window.py
:language: python
if isinstance(window, BoxWindow):
if np.sum(window.bounds) != 0:
raise ValueError(
"window is not centered at the origin. Hint: use a centered window."
if isinstance(window, BallWindow):
if any(window.center != 0):
raise ValueError(
"window is not centered at the origin. Hint: use a centered window."
return None
[docs]def subwindow_parameter_max(window, subwindow_type="BoxWindow"):
Return the parameter i.e., lengthside (resp. radius) of the largest cubic (resp. ball) subwindow of ``window``.
window (:py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.AbstractSpatialWindow`): BoxWindow or BallWindow centered at the origin.
subwindow_type (str, optional): Type of the subwindow ("BoxWindow" or "BallWindow"). Defaults to "BoxWindow".
float : Parameter of the largest subwindow of ``window``.
.. plot:: code/spatial_window/subwindow_param_max.py
:include-source: True
:align: center
if subwindow_type not in ["BoxWindow", "BallWindow"]:
raise ValueError(
"The available subwindow types are BallWindow or BoxWindow. Hint: the parameter corresponding to the window type must be 'BallWindow' or 'BoxWindow'. "
# window parameter
if isinstance(window, BallWindow):
if subwindow_type == "BallWindow":
param_max = window.radius
param_max = window.radius * 2 / np.sqrt(2)
# length side of the BoxWindow
elif isinstance(window, BoxWindow):
if subwindow_type == "BallWindow":
param_max = np.min(np.diff(window.bounds)) / 2
param_max = np.min(np.diff(window.bounds))
return param_max