"""Collection of functions used to implement a fast version of Bartlett's isotropic estimator."""
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as sc
from numba import njit
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
from structure_factor.spatial_windows import BallWindow, UnitBallWindow
#! care about case k=0
[docs]def bartlett_estimator(k_norm, point_pattern):
r"""Compute an estimation of the structure factor of a stationary isotropic point process from one realization encapsulated in ``point_pattern``, evaluated at ``k_norm``.
point_pattern (:py:class:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern`): Realization of the underlying point process.
k_norm (numpy.ndarray, optional): Array of size :math:`n` corresponding to the wavenumbers where the estimator is to be evaluated. If None (default) and the observation window ``point_pattern.window`` is a :py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.BallWindow` and the ambient dimension is even, the estimator will be evaluated on the corresponding set of allowed wavenumbers returned by :py:func:`~structure_factor.tapered_estimators_isotropic.allowed_k_norm`. Defaults to None.
n_allowed_k_norm (int, optional): Number of allowed wavenumbers to be used when ``k_norm`` is None. See :py:func:`~structure_factor.tapered_estimators_isotropic.allowed_k_norm`. Defaults to 60.
tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray):
- k_norm: Wavenumber(s) at which the estimator has been evaluated.
- estimation: Evaluation(s) of the estimator at ``k_norm``.
.. literalinclude:: code/isotropic_estimator/bartlett_estimator.py
:language: python
.. proof:definition::
The Bartlett's isotropic estimator :math:`\widehat{S}_{\mathrm{BI}}` is constructed from a realization :math:`\{\mathbf{x}_i\}_{i=1}^N` of the point process :math:`\mathcal{X}` observed in a ball window :math:`W=B(\mathbf{0}, R)`.
.. math::
= 1
+ \frac{ (2\pi)^{d/2} }{\rho |W| \omega_{d-1}}
\sum_{ \substack{j, q =1 \\ j\neq q } }^{N}
\frac{1}{(k \|\mathbf{x}_j - \mathbf{x}_q\|_2)^{d/2 - 1}}
J_{d/2 - 1}(k \|\mathbf{x}_j - \mathbf{x}_q\|_2).
For more details, we refer to :cite:`HGBLR:22`, (Section 3.2).
.. seealso::
- :py:class:`~structure_factor.spatial_windows.BallWindow`
- :py:meth:`~structure_factor.point_pattern.PointPattern.restrict_to_window`
- :py:meth:`~structure_factor.structure_factor.StructureFactor.tapered_estimator_isotropic`
- :py:func:`~structure_factor.tapered_estimators_isotropic.allowed_k_norm`
if not isinstance(point_pattern.window, BallWindow):
raise TypeError(
"The window must be an instance of BallWindow. Hint: use point_pattern.restrict_to_window."
window = point_pattern.window
d = window.dimension
X = np.atleast_2d(point_pattern.points)
norm_xi_xj = pdist(X, metric="euclidean")
k_norm = k_norm.astype(float)
sf_estimated = np.zeros_like(k_norm)
order = float(d / 2 - 1)
bartlett_estimator_njit(sf_estimated, k_norm, norm_xi_xj, order)
surface = UnitBallWindow(np.zeros(d)).surface
volume = window.volume
rho = point_pattern.intensity
sf_estimated *= (2.0 * np.pi) ** (d / 2) / (surface * volume * rho)
sf_estimated += 1.0
return sf_estimated
[docs]def allowed_k_norm_bartlett_isotropic(dimension, radius, nb_values=60):
r"""Allowed wavenumbers of the Bartlett isotropic estimator, for a ``d``-dimensional point process observed in a ball window with radius ``radius``. Only for even values of ``d``.
.. warning::
This method is only available when the ambient dimension is even.
dimension (int): Dimension (even number) of the underlying space.
radius (float): Radius of the observation window.
nb_values (int): Number of required allowed wavenumbers. Defaults to 60.
numpy.ndarray: Vector of size ``nb_values`` containing the allowed wavenumbers.
.. literalinclude:: code/isotropic_estimator/allowed_k_norm.py
:language: python
.. testoutput::
[0.1915853 0.35077933 0.50867341 0.6661846 0.8235315 0.98079293]
.. proof:definition::
The allowed wavenumbers of a realization from a point process :math:`\mathcal{X}` of :math:`\mathbb{R}^d` observed in a ball window :math:`W=B(\mathbf{0}, R)` correspond to
.. math::
\frac{x}{R} \in \mathbb{R} \text{ s.t. } J_{d/2}(x)=0
.. seealso::
- :py:func:`~structure_factor.tapered_estimators_isotropic.bartlett_estimator`
d_2, mod_ = divmod(dimension, 2)
is_even_dimension = mod_ == 0
if not is_even_dimension: # dimension is not even
raise ValueError(
"Allowed wavenumber could be used only when the dimension of the space `d` is an even number (i.e., d/2 is an integer)."
return sc.jn_zeros(d_2, nb_values) / radius
@njit("double(double, double)")
def bessel1_njit(order, x):
if order == 0.0:
return sc.j0(x)
if order == 1.0:
return sc.j1(x)
return sc.jv(order, x)
# todo use cuda.jit to decrease computational time https://towardsdatascience.com/python-performance-and-gpus-1be860ffd58d#:~:text=x%5B%201%2C%201%5D)%20//%209-,GPU%20%E2%80%94%203%20ms,-%40numba.cuda.jit
@njit("void(double[:], double[:], double[:], double)")
def bartlett_estimator_njit(result, k_norm, norm_xi_xj, order):
for k in range(len(k_norm)):
sum_k = 0.0
for ij in range(len(norm_xi_xj)):
k_xi_xj = k_norm[k] * norm_xi_xj[ij]
tmp = bessel1_njit(order, k_xi_xj)
if order > 0:
k_xi_xj = k_xi_xj ** order
tmp /= k_xi_xj
sum_k += tmp
result[k] = 2 * sum_k